Karme Ling Retreat Application

Three-Year Retreat Application

Karmé Ling Retreat Center is a traditional Karma Kagyu three-year three-month retreat facility affiliated with Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Monastery, the North American seat of the His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa. Under the guidance of the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the next retreat will begin in November of 2020 (pre-retreat training will begin in September). If you have an interest in participating in this retreat, please go here and carefully read through the webpage.  In particular, look through the list of frequently asked questions about the retreat.  If you feel that you may qualify, and have a sincere interest in long-term intensive training in the core teachings and practices of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, then you are encouraged to apply. 

To apply, fill out this form (you can read it below and download the form here) and schedule an interview with the retreat master. It would be best to come to Karme Ling in person for the interview, but alternatively, a Skype interview can be arranged.  Email your application, and your request for an interview to the retreat manager, Lama Karma Lodro at karmeling@kagyu.org to set up an appointment.  

Empowerments for the 2020 retreat have not yet been arranged.  Hopefully they can be arranged during the pre-retreat training period, but we cannot be sure.  You will be notified when more information becomes available.  

Karme Ling Three-Year Retreat Application Form (to be filled out in English by the applicant)


Refuge or Monastic Name:            


Email Address:                                     


Vows Taken (indicate year, preceptor, location):



Main Teacher(s):                                

Tradition of main teacher:            

Other traditions you have practiced (if any);      

List your current practices:

 Average time spent per day since (date):

List other practices you have done, and dates practiced:               

List solitary and group retreats you have done.  Indicate type (solitary/group), date, length, guiding teacher, practices done, and a typical daily schedule of practices.

State briefly why you wish to participate in a three-year retreat at Karme Ling?

How will you pay for the retreat?

Can you read Tibetan?

Have you completed 111,111 repetitions of the four foundations of Ngondro?  If not, how much have you completed?

Can you read, write, and speak English fluently?

Do you have any health issues?

Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Do you have any limitations that prevent you from performing rigorous physical activities?

Have you had mental/psychological issues in the past?  If so, please explain.

Have you ever undergone psychotherapy?  If so, please elaborate.

Are you comfortable living in a group? How good are you at maintaining a long-term positive attitude in interpersonal relationships in a sometimes-challenging environment?